

I'm currently in my hometown in western Massachusetts, helping out the family as my dad underwent hip-replacement surgery last week. Most everything seems to be going well. I haven't had too much time to photograph anything, but it's snowing today and the roads are too slippery to drive the 50+ miles to the hospital so I think I'll go shoot some snowy landscapes.

Today's photo is of a cemetery in southern New Hapmshire that I took last weekend.


Thursday in the evening

It's interesting to me how something so seemingly simple as a mortgage payment can consume a person, ... therefore, I've been busily working. Here's some new work, ...


Home for a while, ...

Just got back from a lovely press trip to northern Utah, and have a couple of weeks to process/sell the images before heading off to New England for two weeks later this month. Things should settle for a bit after that while I focus on my local architectural, professional and manufacturing clients.

I've grown quite fond of Utah; it's a magnificent place. Today's photos are from my most recent trip.