
ASMP Seattle Koffee Klatch

Went to the bi-monthly ASMP Seattle Koffee Klatch this morning down at Uptown Espresso on Eastlake Avenue. There were three board members in attendance (including yours truly), Canon rep Mike Gurley, and a half-dozen members and assistants.

This is starting to read like meeting minutes, so I’ll keep it short and cut to the chase - we talked about the slow economy, how to perk up business, the disheartening trend of price wars among photographers, and basic business practices.

The take away? Things are slow, so spend your free time updating your business and marketing plans (you have them, right? No? Make them (http://www.score.org/template_gallery.html) now and start following them; you’ll be surprised as to how efficient you are once you write things down.

Once that’s done, go out and shoot some cool stuff for your portfolio -- you know, the stuff you wished you could shoot if it weren’t for that pesky art director. Then post it on your site or send it as a mailing to show what you’re capable of.

Something to add to this list? Let me know, or come to the next ASMP Seattle Koffee Klatch on August 11.

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